
Thursday Jan 19, 2017
The Cis Gaze
Thursday Jan 19, 2017
Thursday Jan 19, 2017
Look, see? There she is! In this episode the Gender Rebels explore the issue of the "cis gaze," how cis people see transgender people, their natural reactions and how that should or shouldn't effect the way cis people interact with transgender people in their lives.
Check out our website for our latest episodes!
Follow us on twitter for all our shower thoughts and other musings @TheGenderRebels
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Thursday Jan 19, 2017
Special Bonus Episode: The Women's March
Thursday Jan 19, 2017
Thursday Jan 19, 2017
Forward, MARCH. Your Gender Rebels, Faith and Kath are going to be in DC for the Women's March on January 21, 2017. It's an important moment for our nation and for the world, so we thought we'd put together a special bonus episode this week wherein we discuss the march, safety tips and other good info for those who will be able to march with us. Though we will be proudly displaying transgender flags at the march, this isn't really a transgender or non-binary themed episode, so consider it a B-side, a deleted scene, or a free bonus!
Check out more information at https://www.womensmarch.com/
Check out our website for our latest episodes!
Follow us on twitter for all our shower thoughts and other musings @TheGenderRebels
Like us on FaceBook so we can haunt your feed.

Thursday Jan 12, 2017
So What Are Cis People Thinking?
Thursday Jan 12, 2017
Thursday Jan 12, 2017
Fonzie can teach us a lot about respect for others. Sometimes after transgender people come out, they often encounter cis people who knew them as their previous gender. And sometimes in conversation those cis people seem to go out of their way to ignore the elephant in the room. In this episode of Gender Rebels, transgender girl Faith asks cis girl Kath just what it is going on in cis peoples' heads when they try to play it as cool as Fonzie?
Check out our website for our latest episodes!
Follow us on twitter for all our shower thoughts and other musings @TheGenderRebels
Like us on FaceBook so we can haunt your feed.

Thursday Jan 05, 2017
Thursday Jan 05, 2017
Thursday Jan 05, 2017
We at TGR don't love the term "deadname", but it IS annoying to hear "What's your real name?" Many transgender people choose to adopt a name that better confirms their preferred gender. And often transgender people will refer to the birth-name as their "deadname." In this episode, Gender Rebels Faith and Kath explore why dealing with their deadname is such an annoying thing for transgener people.
Check out our website for our latest episodes!
Follow us on twitter for all our shower thoughts and other musings @TheGenderRebels
Like us on FaceBook so we can haunt your feed.

Thursday Dec 29, 2016
Compliments & Clocking
Thursday Dec 29, 2016
Thursday Dec 29, 2016
When is it not so great to get a compliment? In this episode the Gender Rebels tackle the question of what it means when strangers compliment a transgender person. Does getting a compliment always mean that a transgender person has been clocked? How should transgender people take a compliment?
Thanks to /r/asktransgender and /u/ucaffejsheckereit for this topic idea.
Check out our website for our latest episodes!
Follow us on twitter for all our shower thoughts and other musings @TheGenderRebels
Like us on FaceBook so we can haunt your feed.

Thursday Dec 22, 2016
Holidays and Bigotry
Thursday Dec 22, 2016
Thursday Dec 22, 2016
Holidays are a time that brings the whole family together. And as anyone who's ever had a family can tell you, that's not always a good thing. It's especially difficult for LGBTQ people who might find themselves having to pass the mashed potatoes to the transphobic or homophobic person sitting next to them at dinner.
This holiday season we answer a question from Embedded Emily on twitter (@embeddedemily). She asks "I'm a grown up transgender person who lives on my own and my parents refuse to use preferred name/pronouns. They've claimed it's explicitly for religious reasons. Should I go to holiday events with them and just accept their disapproval or is their disapproval such that I should just avoid them and all the family's holiday gatherings?"
Ted Chiang's "Stories of Your Life" book on which the film Arrival is based.
Info on Leela Alcorn's tragedic death.
Check out our website for our latest episodes!
Follow us on twitter for all our shower thoughts and other musings @TheGenderRebels
Like us on FaceBook so we can haunt your feed.

Thursday Dec 08, 2016
THE Surgery
Thursday Dec 08, 2016
Thursday Dec 08, 2016
GRS, SRS, Sex Change Operation, Bottom Surgery...it goes by many names but no matter what you call it, it's something that most people (especially cis people) know almost nothing about. Your Gender Rebels, Kath and Faith, discuss the information and the misinformation about this infamous, little understood, and fairly difficult to get medical procedure.
The U.S. Trans Survey (USTS) is the largest survey ever devoted to the lives and experiences of trans people, with almost 28,000 respondents. Today, Dec 8, 2016,the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) launched the survey report!
Check out our website for our latest episodes!

Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Levels of Transieness & Drag 101
Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Thursday Dec 01, 2016
Does there exist a heirarchy in the transgender community with those further in their transition sitting at the top above all the part-time or non-HRT, non-op plebes below? Also what do transgender women think of drag performers? Are they on the same team or something else entirely? The Gender Rebels drive right into these questions to bring you our wisdom about the world.
Check out our website for our latest episodes www.genderrebels.com

Friday Nov 25, 2016
Pansexuality and Transdads
Friday Nov 25, 2016
Friday Nov 25, 2016
We're joined by the hosts of TransPanTastic, Jess and George. They tell us all about pansexuality and being a transdad. Plus!! You get a bonus "how we met" story that will drive you insane with cuteness. If you're not already a listener, I urge you to check out their awesome podcast!
Check out our website for our latest episodes www.genderrebels.com

Thursday Nov 17, 2016
How to Ladies' Room: A Guide for Transgender Girls
Thursday Nov 17, 2016
Thursday Nov 17, 2016
Restroom use has become a serious civil rights issue for transgender people in the United States. In this episode transgender woman Faith queries cis woman Kath about ladies' room ettiquite. Are there secret social cues or other things that transgender women should be aware of that will help them pass, blend in or be more comfortable in public bathrooms? If you have questions, post them in the comments!
We discussed a video some bro made about transgender bathroom use, and rather than post to the original, here's a link to wonderful transgender girl Maya's commentary and thoughts on it.
Check out our website for our latest episodes www.genderrebels.com

Thursday Nov 10, 2016
Crossdresser Deluxe™
Thursday Nov 10, 2016
Thursday Nov 10, 2016
Are transgender people crossdressers who chose to become transgender? Do all transgender people start down their path by being crossdressers first? Are transgender people crossdressers who just graduated up to being trans? Is being transgender just mean that you're a Crossdresser Deluxe™? In this episode of yet-to-be award winning podcast The Gender Rebels we explore the intersections of terms and communities.
Check out our website for our latest episodes www.genderrebels.com

Thursday Nov 03, 2016
So Long, Privilege - Coming Out at Work & More.
Thursday Nov 03, 2016
Thursday Nov 03, 2016
Check out our website for our latest episodes www.genderrebels.com

Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Do You Wish You Weren't Transgender?
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Thursday Oct 27, 2016

Thursday Oct 20, 2016
Neuroscience and Transgender People
Thursday Oct 20, 2016
Thursday Oct 20, 2016

Music by one of our favorite bands, the super cool, all-female punk band Jasper the Colossal. Download their new album "Take Your Time" and all their tracks on iTunes.

Thursday Oct 13, 2016
The Bloody Truth about Periods
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Thursday Oct 13, 2016

Music by one of our favorite bands, the super cool, all-female punk band Jasper the Colossal. Download their new album "Take Your Time" and all their tracks on iTunes.

Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Interview with Maddy from Minnesota Trans Atheist
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Thursday Oct 06, 2016

We're excited that this week the Gender Rebels had a special guest. The host of one of our favorite podcasts, Minnesota Trans Atheist, stopped by to share her thoughts on coming out transgender at work, the best ways to communicate with religious proselytizers, and raising kids atheist. And most importantly of all, we answer perhaps the greatest questions facing humankind today; is there any good evidence out there to prove the existence of Sasquatches?
Music by one of our favorite bands, the super cool, all-female punk band Jasper the Colossal. Download their new album "Take Your Time" and all their tracks on iTunes.

Thursday Sep 29, 2016
A Transgender Girl's First Time at the Beach
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
In this episode, your hosts Kath and Faith discuss their recent trip to the Rockaways, and transgender girl Faith's first time as a woman at the beach.

To get your own mermaid tail (even though you'd totally be ripping off Kath's style) check out 2Tails.
And if you ever find yourself in the Rockaways, be sure and stop by Connolly's Bar for a delicious ice cold beer or frozen drink.
Check out our website for our latest episodes www.genderrebels.com

Thursday Sep 22, 2016
Industrial Thong: So What's Up with Tucking?
Thursday Sep 22, 2016
Thursday Sep 22, 2016

Thursday Sep 15, 2016
Beyond Gender Rebels
Thursday Sep 15, 2016
Thursday Sep 15, 2016
Beyond Gender podcast is a wonderful resource for transgender, queer or non-binary people as well as allies. Super cool host Caleb Arring does weekly interviews with different LGBTQ people from all walks of life. Plus there's always news provided by the seriously well-informed Dorian Michelle Vrenden.
Check out all their amazing episodes at www.beyondgender.com

Thursday Sep 08, 2016
Where Are All the Transgender Men?
Thursday Sep 08, 2016
Thursday Sep 08, 2016

Check out our website for all the latest episodes www.genderrebels.com

Thursday Sep 01, 2016
Thursday Sep 01, 2016
Thursday Sep 01, 2016

Thursday Aug 25, 2016
From Fabulous Crossdresser to Normal Girl
Thursday Aug 25, 2016
Thursday Aug 25, 2016

Check out our website for all the latest episodes www.genderrebels.com

Thursday Aug 18, 2016
Titty Skittles & Acronym Soup
Thursday Aug 18, 2016
Thursday Aug 18, 2016

- What are "titty skittles?"
- What the heck do all these trans-related acronyms really mean?

Thursday Aug 11, 2016
The Transluminati
Thursday Aug 11, 2016
Thursday Aug 11, 2016

In this episode we tackle the questions that everyone wants to ask about the transgender community Is Caitlyn Jenner the queen of all transgender people? Who are the famous transgender serial killers? Is Caitlyn Jenner the Zodiac Killer? Is the Transluminati really a secret society of LGBT people bent on global dominance? And what's up with the Michigan Womyn's festival?

Thursday Aug 04, 2016
TRENDSgender and Gatekeepers
Thursday Aug 04, 2016
Thursday Aug 04, 2016
Are more people choosing to be transgender just because it's trendy and popular? In this episode we also explore the issue of gate-keeping and the hoops transgender people often need to jump through in order to get medical care.

Sunday Jul 31, 2016
Wachowskis and Inspiration
Sunday Jul 31, 2016
Sunday Jul 31, 2016

- Are the Wachowskis better or worse filmmakers now that they've transitioned?
- Who are our gender rebel inspirations?
- What can Laura Jane Grace teach us about wishes and serial killers?

Sunday Jul 31, 2016
Dresses to Die For
Sunday Jul 31, 2016
Sunday Jul 31, 2016
In this episode we'll discuss how transgender people balance their personal safety with being out in the world. And Faith tells the story of the first time she ever left the house in a dress.

Sunday Jul 31, 2016
The Asterisk and Tricking Straight Guys
Sunday Jul 31, 2016
Sunday Jul 31, 2016
We're super exited to post this, our very first episode. In this episode we discuss the following topics:
- What do the letters in LGBTQ* mean and why is there so many letters? Are there too many or not enough?
- The perils and pitfalls of dating cis people.
- Are there questions that cis people aren't allowed to ask transgender people?